Missed chances daily

Missed chances daily

Missed Chances Daily Wouldn’t it be great if you just had the courage to simply say to the guy you see daily from the office block opposite, “Hey lets grab a coffee together” we seem to be getting coffee regularly at the same time. Missed chances...
It could happen today

It could happen today

What if it happens today You know he’s interested, when you get that instinctual feeling but he never says anything when you cross paths and you are too shy to ask. Don’t stress just post a message! He’s probably either too shy or afraid you’ll...
Secret Valentine Message

Secret Valentine Message

Our little secret The Secret Valentine Message Post it and don’t tell him, maybe he’ll find it one day? It’s just as much fun to post it anyway, and who knows, maybe one day you’ll get the nerve to ask for his email address so you can send him...

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